(John 3)
The first time I was born
into darkness,
a raggedy
grasping thing,
groping for life
and held by the shadow
of a love once known.
Fed by a craving
covetous world,
flesh fattened on falsehoods
dazzled by desires,
consumed by the noise
of my ambitions.
Here I lived
to die,
frenzied by the
ever-hungry I,
plunging into earth
that didn’t want me
yet held me fast.
Here I built
to rise,
Pushed by a promise
and a lie,
the walls of my triumph
transformed to a tomb.
Here You came
for the second birth.
Here you lived
longed for the children
of your heart.
Opened wide Your arms
and screamed
into the wrecked world
Your love
Your agony
Your ransom
and delivered us.
Life in death
joy in sorrow
You mirror the pain
with purpose, You
breathe in my shuddered breaths
breathing out in me Your
Here I die
to live,
held in the promise
that You give,
spirit yearning upward
in surrender
to your peace.
I cease.
I rest
to be raised
in Your truth.
I lose and find
myself in You.