Monday, July 27, 2015

Worth the risk?

There are days when you walk alongside your friend, who is facing deep pain and unspeakably hard things, and you feel this powerless sorrow. You hear stories of profound spiritual warfare, stories straight from a movie script, and you are afraid. And the stories begin to reverberate through your little world, bouncing around and picking up speed and force, and the texts fly and the conversations become these fearful wonderings. Now what?

And you gather together with other friends and you start to put words to your

How could God let this happen? Where is He?

If this is what happens to people who draw near to God, then why do it? Why draw closer to God if it’s only going to hurt more?

You feel the enemy leering, grinning in the background.

Yes. What if you go all in for God and He makes you suffer too? And what if I am more powerful than you ever dreamed?

My friend who is suffering deeply, my friend knows Jesus like no one else I know. And I know what she would tell me.

It’s all worth it when you know Him.

Yes, when you draw in, when you really truly begin to seek God, you find Him. He fills you and you start to change the world around you. You become this light. And you do have an enemy who wants that light out. He’ll do anything to stop you.

The question is a valid one. Why draw near if the cost is so great?

Maybe it’s easier to just follow God a little bit. Maybe you don’t quite want to give Him everything, because after all, He’s not quite safe. Not quite predictable. And at the end of it all, maybe He’s not quite as good and loving as He says.

And maybe you do feel safe. Maybe you don’t feel pain. But you don’t feel joy, either. Not really. Now the enemy has you right where he wants you.

You haven’t risked everything, so you don’t know what it’s like when Jesus takes it all and gives you Himself in return. You believe these lies that you are OK because the truth, it just isn’t quite safe.

Or maybe you do risk it all. Maybe He takes it all and turns it to ash, right there at your feet, all your dreams decimated.

If this is what it means to follow You, I’ll stick with my dreams, thanks.
But what are you missing if you stick with your dreams? What if that perfect thing you hold to is only a shadow of the gift He longs to give? What if pain is the doorway to knowing Him for real, the only way to make us let go of our hold on the shadowlands?

When you start to get in His word and really take Him at His word, when you become desperate enough, you give it all up.

And then you see Jesus.

The one who thirsts for a cup of water is given a waterfall. The one who longs for a candle is given the sun.

The risk is worth it.

The truth is worth it.

It’s possible that you may have to suffer more than you can imagine. But it’s possible that life could become deeper, richer, more meaningful than you ever knew it could. It’s possible you have no idea what True Love is until you see it in your deepest pain.

And just maybe you and your sisters huddle together around your Bibles whispering your broken prayers. And then those whispers become louder and louder, they become a weeping and a lamenting, a praising and a claiming of all the things you know.

You offer up your hearts and you take up these flaming swords and you start to strap on this armor. You begin to feel strong. You meet again and you become bold. You become warriors. Promises begin to fly like arrows.

Something happens when you are struck by truth. You are pierced. And in your wounds you find either healing or destruction.

I think of my friend shining brighter than ever before. I think of the prayers she has ignited, the hearts that have been gripped by her story. I think of all the crazy messy beauty of her life and how the God she loves is blazing out of all those cracks, flooding over the rim of her soul and spilling out to touch us all.  I think of my sister-warriors and the drawing together of our hearts and prayers. I think of victory, and I think of the depths of his love that is the truth He longs for us to know, and I see how we are coming to know it, bit by bit.

He is worth it.

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