Thursday, November 20, 2014

This is me

I have started and not finished several posts, and I have just felt stuck lately. God keeps bringing me back to this. It doesn't yet feel complete or totally right, but it's (so far) my response to 2 Corinthians 4 and 5. These passages won't let go of me. I thought I'd share to see if any of this resonates. So often we are told how sinful and broken and shameful we are, but God has so much more to say . . .

I am

I am
the breath of wonder,
the sharp gasp
of beauty formed
of light.

I am named and known
remembered and forever

I am seen and sought after,
cherished and
highly prized.

I am held.

I am mended brokenness
shining shame shot through with
divine dust
dirt and bone held together
by glory
blood of eternity.

No longer crushed
or destroyed
I carry the life in death
the perpetual awakening.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julie!!!!!!!!!!! Wow is all I can say. Yes, it resonates with me!!! Yes and yes.
